Center for Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies
Community Bulletin Board
Graciela Abelin-Sas Rose, MD
February 2024 - APsA Meeting: Chair and Presenter at the Discussion Group "Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy"
April 2024 - New York Psychoanalytic Institute Extension Program: course on "Psychoanalytic Couple Therapy"
June 2024 - Washington Psychoanalytic Institute: Discussion of the film "Anatomy of a Fall"
Maxine Anderson, MD
Anderson, M. (2024). Entrenched grievance as a harbour for the unmourned. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 105(2), 153–168.
Anderson, M. (in press). The hardest passage: A psychoanalyst accompanies her patient into dementia. Karnac.
Rodrigo Barahona, PsyaD
Barahona, R. (2024). Negative hallucination in Wilfred Bion's theory of transformations. On finding one's ghost. London: Routledge.
Barahona, R. (2024). Initiating analysis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 93(4).
Barahona, R. (2024). Field theory. In G. Gabbard, B. Litowitz, & P. Williams (Eds.), The third edition of the textbook of psychoanalysis. Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press.
Barahona, R. (2023). Not-so-tristes tropiques: Latin American psychoanalysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 71(5), 989–1012.
Barahona, R. (2023). Transformaciones en O y en K: Apuntes sobre la escucha psicoanalítica, la dirección y el fin de la interpretación en el campo. Revista Psicoanálisis, 35(1). Asociación Psicoanalítica Colombiana.
New York & London: Routledge. Barahona, R. (2022). The hallucinated field. In H. B. Levine (Ed.), The post-Bionian field theory of Antonino Ferro: Theoretical analysis and clinical application. ​
Barahona, R. (2024, March 9). Discussion of Jeff Eaton's paper, "Welcoming suchness: On listening to yourself listening to another." Presented at the Massachusetts Institute for Psychoanalysis.
Barahona, R. (2023, March 18). Transformaciones en O y en K: Apuntes sobre la escucha psicoanalítica y la dirección y el fin de la interpretación en el campo. (Transformations in O and in K: Notes on psychoanalytic listening, aim, and goal of interpretation in the field). Presentation to the Colombian Psychoanalytic Society.
Joseph Fernando, MD
Fernando, J. (2023). A psychoanalytic understanding of trauma: Post-traumatic mental functioning, the zero process, and the construction of reality. London, UK: Routledge.
Fernando, J. (2023). Trauma, guilt, and conspiracy: The zero process and the superego. Psychoanal, 34(3), 54–60. https://doi.org/10.18529/psychoanal.2023.34.3.54
Fernando, J. (2024, October). Trauma, guilt, and conspiracy: The zero process and the superego; Differentiating identification with the aggressor from projective identification. Presented at the Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center.
Samuel Goldberg, MD
Goldberg, S. T. (2024). Classical roots of psychoanalysis: Brief reflections on Plato's Republic and Aristotle's Ethics. Medical Research Archives of the European Society of Medicine, 12(5), 1-17
Goldberg, S. T. (2024). Protestant and Psychoanalytic Reflections of Shakespeare's Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 11(2), 78-91.
Goldberg, S. T. (2022). Book review of Concerning the Nature of Psychoanalysis: The Persistence of a Paradoxical Discourse, by Gregory Kohon. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 70, 1219-1224.
Daniel Jacobs, MD
Jacobs, D. (2024). Psychoanalytic Supervision. By Nancy McWilliams. New York: Guildford Press, 2021. 237 pp. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 93, 185-189.
Jacobs, D. (2024). Teaching Freud: Challenges and Opportunities. Psychoanalytic Inquiry, 44, 210-217.
Panel discussant at APSA workshop on supervision at the recent winter meeting of APSA.
Panel discussant for AAPE webinar on supervision scheduled for November 17, 204.
By BPSI for 24 years as director of the Hanns Sachs Library and Archives.

Judy Kantrowitz, MD
Kantrowitz, J. L. (2024). Chapter on termination. In G. Gabbard (Ed.), The Psychoanalytic Handbook (3rd ed.). APA Press.
Cooper, S. H., & Kantrowitz, J. L. (Eds.). (n.d.). Selected papers of Tony Kris. International Psychoanalytic Books.
Kantrowitz, J. L. (2024). Rethinking termination. Psychoanalytic Quarterly. (Pending publication)
Kantrowitz, J. L. (2025). The older analyst still treating patients. Psychoanalytic Inquiry. (Pending publication)
Contribution Presentations (2024)
Cincinnati Psychoanalytic Institute - Ethics Workshop
New York Psychoanalytic Institute Lecture - The Older Analyst
Upcoming Presentations (2025)
Book Talk with Steven Cooper, Topic: Selected Papers of Tony Kris
Barry Landau, MD
By Washington Baltimore Center for Psychoanalysis, Long and Distinguished Career Award
By Children’s Hospital National Medical Center, Department of Psychiatry, Teacher of the Year Award"
Eugene Mahon, MD
Mahon, E. (2022). Such stuff as dreams: A psychoanalytic inquiry. IPBooks.
Jacobs, T. (2022). Introduction. In E. Mahon, Such stuff as dreams: A psychoanalytic inquiry. IPBooks.
Mahon, E. (2023). La sostanza dei sogni (A. Rolla, Trans.). Bette Edizioni. (Original work published 2022)
Mahon, E. (2024). Prejudice: Implicit and complicit. American Imago, 81(1), 17-38.
May Kay O'Neil, PhD
O'Neil, M. K. (2022). Mothering alone: A plea for opportunity. Karnac Books.
​Panel Presentation
O’Neil, M. K., Bogliatto, K., Billinghurst, A., & Mei-Jang Pai, T. (2024, April 13). Mothering alone [Conference presentation]. NAPsaC International Panel, Online via Zoom. Moderator: S. Baxt. (click image to download panel flyer)