Center for Advanced Psychoanalytic Studies
CAPS 2nd Annual Summer Webinar

When Reality is Too Much to Bear: Psychic Retreats and the Refusal to Mourn
August 6, 2022
12-2 pm EDT
Presenter: Marianna Adler, Ph.D., FABP
Discussant: Donnel Stern, Ph.D.
Moderator: Daniel Jacobs, M.D.
Our Contributors

Marianna Adler, Ph.D., FABP, is a psychologist and a Training and Supervising Psychoanalyst in private practice in Austin, Texas. She is on the faculty of the Center For Psychoanalytic Studies in Houston and Austin. She has previously presented papers on such topics as mourning and psychoanalysis, psychoanalysis as an ethical praxis, shame, Jacques Lacan, and creative inhibitions. Her paper “Bion and the Analytic Attitude” was the lead article for Round Robin, Winter 2010. “The Blank Page: Creative Imagination and its Inhibitions” was published in the Canadian Journal of Psychoanalysis in 2008.

Donnel Stern, Ph.D. is Training and Supervising Analyst, William Alanson White Institute, New York City; Adjunct Clinical Professor of Psychology and Clinical Consultant, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis; and Faculty at the New York Psychoanalytic Society and Institute. He is Founder and Editor of the Routledge Book Series "Psychoanalysis in a New Key." He has himself edited many books, and has written four, and many articles. His most recently authored book is The Infinity of the Unsaid: Unformulated Experience, Language, and the Nonverbal (2019).